- Filters
- Suction baskets, strainers
- DN cleaners
- Disc strainers, filter discs, sealers
- Frame vibrating screens
- Laboratory screens
- Demisters
- Specialized cleaners
Oil, fuel, air and other fluid cleaners
Custom made in all shapes and forms. The filtration fineness ranges from 5 to 25 µm for fine and over 25 to 5000 µm for medium and primary filtration.
Material used for the filtration layers:
- - Stainless steel, bronze and brass screens.
- - Synthetic screens.
- - Filtration paper.
- - Felt or mineral wool.
- - Cotton fabric.
- - Non-woven woven yarn etc.
Air cleaners used with diesel electric locomotives and their compressors present a special type of product.
Disc strainers, filter discs, sealers
These are made in the form of the simplest disks or strainer rings which may be fastened on the exterior or interior side using a sheet metal frame (filter discs)
The Large 1000 - 2000 mm diameter disks are special types of disks used in the wine, pharmaceutical, chemical, sugar or oil industry.
They are primarily made of stainless steel screens while the frame may be made of aluminum or copper.
Sealants are made of aluminum or copper sheets and may be in the form or rings or rectangular frames. In the dimensional sense, they follow the filter disks with a diameter up to Ø235 mm.
Frame screens
The frame screens are used for drainage or sieving in the chemical, pharmaceutical, petroleum, oil andsugar industries.
The frame screen and accessories are made of stainless steel.
Vibrating screens
The vibrating screens are used in the petroleum and leather industries etc. The screens and hooks are made of stainless steel and other materials depending on the applications .
According to the introduced standard ISO 14001 and general need to avoid environmental disturbances, all processing and other industries which can emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, are obligated to install purification devices for waste fluids.
Made of circular, rectangular or customer request shapes. The filtration layer elements are made of multi-layer stainless steel non-woven braids (or customer request material) and equipped with the necessary frames and connectors.